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Camera :


The meeting of your High Resolution Iphone and the 3D video camera 

with tracking enables you to get a cheap High Resolution See Trough 


Indeed the 3D VR part brings the possibility to record your VR videos 

and simultaneously to scan and register the trackng.

Mounted on a special helmet, you will get a wireless angmented reality 

directly connected to your phone. The rendering can be improved by 

your laptop using the 5G connector.

If you mount it on a camera, it will improve your depth of field 

without any clipping.

Finally, if you choose to install it on a video camera, as it will 

record the tracking, it will enable you to add holograms and later 

some special effects.

For details, adding a repertory of models and mounts of professionnals 

cameras, the system can calculate the shooting distance and precise 

position of the tracking enabling to create adequate holograms in the 

right position.

It is more portable and more solid and cheaper than Miro

You can record tracking during all the time you are recording video and use data for robot or CG because you have the scan of the area.

if you need HPU you can put on the side of your laptop or inside the wire (in the middle)


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